Archive for the ‘Bulldog’ Category

So, you are ready for your new Bulldog puppy? here are some things to be aware of and helpful tips.

First is the hunt. Searching for reputable Olde English Bulldog breeders can be a tedious and so risky. Let’s face it, most breeders aren’t on the up and up like One of a Kind Bulldogs. First off, do NOT buy from a breeder/person you can not talk to on the phone at minimum. You have to be able to ask many questions like parents temperament, health, bloodlines, quality of care, what type of guarantee they give, are they open to public, what type of health testing do they do, etc… Buying dogs from breeders in another state is NOT a bad idea, but buying from breeders in other states sight unseen can be risky. Make sure you buy from a breeder who is generally open to the public. Event though distance is an issue, a breeder open to public shows they have nothing to hide typically and it gives you an opportunity to see the quality of care and temperament of the dogs. Again, if buying from another state, at least make sure they are open to their local customers and have had people on their property to make sure they are doing a good job.

Now that you have found your breeder, hopefully One of a Kind Bulldogs, make sure you are well informed about the breed, its common health concerns, training requirements and so forth. The more educated you are the less road bumps you will hit. At One of a Kind Bulldogges we make sure we educate all of our buyers on the breed and the requirements of raising Olde English Bulldogge puppies.

When bringing home your new Bulldog pup make sure to have all your basic necessities ready and pre-bought. This includes harness, crate, collar, name tag, leashes, food bowls, food and toys. We prefer our new owners avoid pet stores and contact with other dogs for the first couple months while the pup is getting it’s vaccine regiment. Bringing home distemper, parvo or an upper respiratory infection is no good 😦 and these things are more likely at high traffic pet area like dog parks and pet stores. 

Now, for starters we HIGHLY recommend crate training!!! Crate training can be the best friend of a new dog owner. Crate training a dog is meant to mimic their natural instinct to den. Many times you will notice your new puppy run under the bed or couch, somewhere small, enclosed and safe for them, this is what the crate is for. Crate training your dog will help with potty training tremendously! Please crate train your dog, it is best for him/her and the fur parents. here is a site with some useful tips on Crate training your dog. One of the best reasons for crate training besides potty training is that you can rest assure your pet is safe in a crate while you are gone avoiding the dog getting into electrical cords, toxins or anything else that is dangerous. Obviously crate training is not your only tool. make sure you walk he dog regularly. I typically recommend letting pups out every hour or two to be safe. By 12 weeks old the pups should be able to hol their pee in for a solid 4-5 hours and typically by this age they are going potty 4-5 times a day, sometimes less depending on how many daily feedings. We feed our pups twice a day, morning and evening, but we know some people like to split up their dog meals into 3 or 4. If feeding 3 or 4 times a day is feasible with your schedule then go right ahead, but if not, two times is sufficient. By 9-14 months old many of the Bulldogges food drive slows down and I start eliminating the morning meal. By over a year or so they are only getting one meal a day at 5pm.

Now, often I am asked what if i work during the day? Well, Bulldogge puppies at 8 weeks old can be a handful, they will pee and poo every hour, sometimes less. They key is to stay patient and have a plan of action for the first few months. If you are gone most the day, be prepared to come home to a mess every day. If you cannot hire a sitter, friend or neighbor to come every few hours and stimulate your pup and let it go to the bathroom then you will need to push a lot more training after 12 weeks to catch up. If you are in this situation you can always close off your kitchen, leave a crate in there and tape potty pads to the floor. This will give your pup a little room and freedom while keeping your house in one piece. We do not recommend using potty pads for more than a month or so, it can become a habit and the pups can start peeing on floor mates and throw rugs. make sure your pup obviously has adequate water when you are gone and of course all its favorite toys. We also do NOT recommend ANY bedding for the first few months. Our pups are raised on old sheets and towels til 5 weeks, so sometimes they will pee on them as a reminder of their childhood, haha. Avoid any soft or absorbent bedding for a while until your puppy can be trusted to not pee on them or chew them into pieces.

Some other things that are handy for your new puppy, make sure you have treats, natures miracle stain remover, a bitter apple or bitter yuck chew deterrent spray, a lot of toys and of course some type of training manual. We highly recommend the book “How to be your Dogs best Friend” by the Monks of New Skete. It is a great book that teaches owners how to be the alpha/pack leader and truly give a great understanding of how dogs think and work.

Now, if your dog is flying in you might need a little more to prepare. This is what I recommend for my customers who are picking up a pup at the airport. Our pups come crate conditioned, so they are fairly used to the crate when flying, BUT it doesn’t mean they won’t leave a mess. Bring a 2 liter of tap water and some towels just in case their is a mess in the crate. The puppies are typically underfed their morning meal, so once at home and settled feed your pup a normal meal size, no need to over feed to make up for short breakfast. The first night or two might be rough, especially if crating, but stay consistent and do not give in. We recommend the crate be placed somewhere far enough from you to where the pup cannot see you but close enough to where you can here the pup and get up to let him/her out for potty.

Just remember, owning a puppy is not easy, they will have many accidents, chew up a lot of your favorite stuff, jump on your friends and family and so forth, but with consistent training, socialization and a healthy relationship your pup can turn into the best Olde English Bulldogge puppy fur-baby ever! We highly recommend consistent training for the first 2-3 years of life as this breed is still learning and developing til then. The more time, training, research and love you put into your dog, the less likely you are to have problems.

Hope this was informative and helpful. feel free to add anything else through the comments thread 🙂






The responsibilities of Olde English Bulldogge breeders go much further than just raising and selling pups. Shelter systems are over run nearly everywhere. Dog are being put down in the masses, pure-bred and mutts. It seems easy in the eyes of many to be a “breeder,” but being a responsible breeder with morals, ethics, compassion and love that passes into their breeding practices seems to be rare. For example, I see hundreds of breeders on FB who pump out litter after litter, easily 60-80 pups a year even though they have less than a year experience. Many of these breeders produce 200 or so pups in a few years and then close their doors and stop breeding. Now they have 200+ offspring and I highly doubt the contract states they will take them back, and if so, would they after they are closed? Also, I hear a lot of breeders say their dogs will never end up in a pound, but how can you be sure if you are not contacting them regularly and making sure your contract specifies legal repercussions? Many contracts ask for the dog back or have “first right” to buy the dog back, but what good does that do? And yes, I drop 8-12 litters a year, BUT i didn’t start up like that. I dropped 2 litters my first 3 years and then was dropping 2-6 litters a year for the next 3 years. I never had three litters on the ground at once until I knew I could place that many pups. I put 5 years into this as a full time job, 24/7, 365 days a year before I took the jump and dropped a lot of Olde English Bulldogge puppies, and when I did I already started my Bulldog rescue. I also do this for a living. I DO NOT have another full time job, so that means my dogs are cared for hands on by me personally. Being this is my livelihood, I have more incentive to produce only the best and to maintain the best reputation. Most breeders can produce some mess of dogs, stop returning client calls, sell all their dogs and go back to focusing on their families and full time jobs or what ever new hobby they wanna get into. Not One of a Kind! We are here for life, that is why our Lifetime guarantee is for real!

This leads to my main point. Over the last few years I have been trying to keep track of how many dogs get returned. Keep in mind I am in a decent demographics in regards to cost of living and so forth, so I do like to think I get better placements. Plus with my guarantee and all we include, and my prices are a little higher which help eliminate some buyers that may not be a great fit. Now, this being said, I think it is fair to say that 1 out of every 5 pups I produce will come back within the first two years of it’s life. yes, 1 in 5 pups returned before 2 years of age. I would ESTIMATE another 1 in 5 will be returned after 2 years of age. I have noticed dogs that are adopted out through my rescue have a 1 and 3 chance of coming back since they sometimes have behavior issues or something of that nature. Dogs I produced seem to be placed easier through rescue since even my owners who have surrendered my dogs have done a good job raising them. So, once a dog is returned to me from my breeding program the odds of it finding a permanent forever home actually goes down significantly as does any other rescue/owner surrender. This is from my own experience, BUT I think it is fair to say that as breeders we are ALL contributing to the mass shelter kills IF we are not taking some precautions to lower the likeliness of our dogs ending up in shelters.

For example: One of a Kind Bulldogs come with a complimentary responsible pet sterilization package. I include a spay/neuter package on my pups. It is included at no cost to the buyer, all they have to do is show up at my vet between 5 and 7 months old. We also include ALL boosters, micro-chip and rabies shot as a courtesy. A bulldog that is not fixed has a high likeliness of ending up in a backyard breeders hand as a free money maker. I have seen it all too many times when a dog is given away or sold cheap intact and it is just turned around and bred for profit then put back on craigslist. I do have a strict clause in my contract in regards to this and I do have penalties clearly stated for those who break my contract. And yes, I have enforced my contract before and won every time. I also have a no re-sell clause, meaning my dog can NEVER change ownership without my written permission. Again, it is stated clearly on my contract that their is a large penalty for this violation of the terms. To make sure we are better communicating with our customers we have started a One of a Kind Bulldogs Client facebook board and newsletter to help stay in touch. Our customer facebook board is over 300 strong and we have become a giant family who are informative and supportive of each other.

It seems obvious that dogs bred for the true betterment of the breed have higher chances of getting good homes. Breeding for health, temperament and correct conformation makes a big difference. Dogs with health issues or special needs are a more difficult placement. Dog with poor temperament are a lot more difficult to adopt, especially if aggression is an issue. I see it all too many times when breeders breed defective dogs and think they are going to breed it out of the lines. I have numerous times given dogs back to breeders for defects just to see them re-sold to another breeder instead of fixed and placed as a pet. These low quality dogs only cause heartache to their owners and help contribute to the inconsistent life the dog may have. Yes, we ALL produce dogs of lower quality or with defects, but we do NOT need to breed them and we need to take the best steps to lessen the likeliness of producing them.

I also NEVER sell my adult Olde English Bulldogges as breeding dogs. Whether 1 litter or 4, they all get fixed and placed locally in a loving home. I like to make sure my retired babies are loved and spoiled and within driving distance. Keeping track of the health and longevity of life on ancestors to our dogs is important to bettering our breed. I have all too many times seen dogs get passed around like candy just to die. I will use One of a Kind’s Judo Chop’s parents as an example. He has now outlived both mother and father. If i remember correctly his mother who was an EB went to 4 different breeders and was c-sectioned 4 times in a row and died on the 4th, r.i.p What a Mug Blue Groove. His father went to at least 7 breeders that I know of for sure in only a 6 month time frame. he died at under 4 years I think, r.i.p Kong. Judo is now older then both his parents were when they died. That’s because as a breeder I give my dogs some loyalty and respect, and of course I know how to raise my dogs properly.

Now, the most important thing I wish other breeders would do, some RESCUE work. The stats on my end over 8 years clearly show whether we like it or not we are contributing to over-population, so why not help save some dogs within your breed? Why not keep a kennel or two open and help keep a dog out of a shelter? Truth is, if you are an expert in your breed and really care then you should be the best fit to help them. If you really want to help the breed then keeping them out of the shelters should be a priority. If every breeder just made room for one or two rescues, really implemented spay/neuter clauses and truly cared for the well being of their placed pets we would not have such an epidemic in our shelter system. Not trying to ruffle feathers, just speaking my mind.

– One of a Kind Bulldogs


“Built to be Strong and Live Long”

So for years I have been asked why One of a Kind Bulldogs does not show our Bulldogges, here you go;

First off, being a part of a club is the first step. Associating with all your local breeders to come together and get the breed publicity and get attendance at the shows. I personally base my business on honesty, integrity and overall sound morals. In no way can I get myself to have weekly meetings with all the people who are ruining the breed and furthermore be friends with them or have any type of affiliation. For example. The registry started a So Cal club, and as much as I was asked to join I couldn’t agree to it. Some of the board members are the exact type of breeders that give breeders a bad name. Join and pay to be a part of something I am against? No way! One guy hangs papers, breeds pocket pits into his dogs, resells dogs like they mean nothing and does not even know how to take care of his dogs. Another hides behind a badge and started a kennel breeding at least 5 different breeds. First summer he lost dogs due to heat, guess he forgot to put shade over them. His dogs have flooded the market in a few years and he re-sells like crazy with no thought or care where his dogs go, just who is willing to pay top dollar. And yes, both have gotten others to join along with their practices.

Second, it is truly a hater show. How often I hear people after shows run their mouth and so forth about the winners, judges, dogs, etc…. Everyone at the show thinks their dog should have placed. If I was going to go to the show it would be for the fun of seeing a bunch of old english bulldogs and having fun, not to be judgmental on every dog. that’s for the judges. Also, so many times I hear of registries throwing a show with barely any dogs showing up and all the dogs getting a victory, haha. How is that worthy of a competition? I hope the ribbon says, “Thanks for attending.”

I have always kept to myself in the breeding game. Not because others are not producing nice dogs, but more because it seems rare you can find someone to trust. I watch some of my local competition breed dogs with defects and health issues after I returned them to the breeder. I watched other local competitors breed the hell out of dogs then drop them off at the shelter to be euthanized. I see $500 dogs being sold locally with full breeding rights. Shoot, one of my local competitors’ dogs mauled and killed his house lady! This is the type of stuff I steer away from. it’s breeders like this that ruin the profession and make us all look like irresponsible, heartless, greedy puppy mills.

Their must be some thought to the overall picture, the impact you have on the future of a line and how many dogs get contributed to the shelter system. As a breeder I try to see what good I am doing but also try to think outside the box and make sure I am not a harm to the system. I make sure i include free spay/neuters on all Olde English Bulldogge puppies, I place all my retirees and do not re-sell adults, I keep track of all my dogs and I help do rescue to make up for the dogs I am producing. I will never be a part of a club until their are major changes. The club is supposed to be a representation of the breed and furthermore the breeders in it should have to abide by some form of code. A club or registry that truly cares for the breed and wants to better it should start implementing numerous things that will hold breeders accountable for what they are producing. Again, this is my opinion, but will truly help better the breed and how breeders are looked at.

-testing to show basic knowledge and education of the breed, genetics and reproduction.

-health testing on your stock

-an oath to NOT breed specific issues that will be a negative to the breed

-an oath to stick to a standard

-strict spay/neuter clauses to help prevent over population and irresponsible or un-planned breedings

-rescue work or networking. helping dog within the breed do make the breed look better and show true compassion towards dogs. Our breed is no longer rare if shelters are putting them down.

-staying open to public and letting people see how your dogs are treated and taken care of

-abiding to a certain standard of care for the dogs

-and not re-selling dogs over and over I am sure their is much more that could be added, but this is a general idea.

I cannot associate myself with people who re-sell dogs like crazy, treat customers like crap, treats their dogs like crap, lie to the public, hang papers, breed messed up dogs with no thought to the owners who will have to suffer in the long run. Like David Chappelear always says, “Birds of a feather flock together.” rant done. have a nice day everyone 🙂

Are you considering the Olde English Bulldogge as a new pet? There are many things to consider when you are ready to bring this great breed into your home. Knowing that the right dog breed for you has to be the first thing you consider when deciding on a new pet. First after considering the breed you desire knows its history. Then know the breed today verses the breed of the past. After you research these aspects of bringing home a new puppy you should then start the search for the right dog breeder. Location of the breeder should not be the deciding factor, the breeder, their ethics, and their available stock. Knowing these things will help you find the right Olde English Bulldogge at the right time, from the best breeder, with the best puppies for sale. Finding history on the Old English Bulldogge is easy reading blogs and individuals websites that have the puppies for sale often have some of the history available on their site. After you have done all the research you feel is necessary and then found the breeder start contact with the dog breeder and get to know the breeder you are going to purchase your Olde English Bulldogge from so you are familiar with them and their breeding practice. Knowing the breeder is important if you do not know the breeder then you do not know the environment that the puppy you have found has been born into and raised for its first few weeks of life. During these vital weeks you need to know the life the dog has lived. The first few weeks of any puppies life is important because this is the time he or she learns their way of behavior and personality. The care and love of this breed is important to its loyalty and love of its owner and if the breeder is not a quality breeder then the puppies could be of pour quality. It is true what they say dogs often tell how their owners cared for them with their actions, stability, and instabilities. So knowing the breeder is best for you as knowing the breeder will provide you the information you need know about your new puppy.

One Of A Kind Bulldogs is the quality Olde English Bulldogge puppies and Victorian Bulldogge Puppies for sale by One of a Kind Bulldogs, The World’s Premier Olde English Bulldogge Breeder specializing in re-homing pups in California (San Diego County, Temecula, Riverside, San Bernadino, Orange County, Costa Mesa, Irvine and Los Angeles area) and world-wide. We have superb Bulldog puppies with outstanding health guarantees and customer service 2nd to none. We specialize in the breeding of all sizes and colors from standard fawns, brindle’s, whites, blacks and rare chocolate, Lilac, tri-colored and blue bulldogs of all varieties. Our Bulldogge puppies are happy, healthy and socialized. We will vaccinate all of our puppies before they leave and offer full vaccines to local customers (minus rabies). All puppies for sale are sold as pets with limited registration unless previous arrangement has been made for purchase of one of our dogs for breeding purposes. We do offer full breeding guarantees on our dogs, which isn’t common of Olde English Bulldogge breeders. All puppies are produced from our own breeding stock, we do not purchase Olde English Bulldogge stud services from outside programs. If you are looking for a healthy, happy and socialized puppy, you found the right breeder. We are located in beautiful Coastal North County San Diego, small drive from Temecula, San Clemente, Orange County and Riverside County. Affordable shipping within the U.S. and world-wide shipping available. We have many happy and healthy Old English Bulldogs around the world. We welcome ALL clients to our property so they can see first hand the hard work we put in here along with the care and dedication our dogs receive. When looking for a Bulldogge, research your breeders and make sure you found a quality breeder with ethics and a purpose. We pride ourselves here at One of a Kind Bulldogs for our high standards, ethics, morals and excellent business practices. We are permitted and tax paying business unlike many of the breeders you see. Call or email if you have any questions about our Old English Bulldog puppies or to schedule a viewing of our Bulldogge puppies.


Discounts for Active Military, Veterans, Public Service Workers, Allied Health Professionals, and Repeat Customers.

Please check our puppies page for available pups. Sire of one litter is pictured below! he has more puppies coming any day now.


One of a Kind Olde English Bulldogge Rescue is a rescue/adoption site to help re-home Old English Bulldogs in need in the Southern California area. We are a free service as this is not for any type of profit. As a breeder, we feel any breeder has a bit of responsibility to help keep our shelters from over crowding and help reduce pointless euthanization. The principle action in regards to our rescue is simple we want to get this great dogs into the homes that will care for this breed and have as high a regard for their lives as we do. Our rescue program is designed to create a healthy environment for this breed of dog unlike any other shelter or rescue for Bulldogs. We admire a breed many others fear and reject, and our goal is to find more people like us to get these great dogs into the right homes. Rescue is something many people feel is right for most dog breeds but not the Olde English Bulldogge and that is far from the truth. Rescue with us is the best things for these dogs because we can provide the right stimulation and care for this breed. The right size of facility and the right individuals to care for these great dogs is just a part of what we provide. We keep 2-4 kennels open on our property or through fosters for these Olde English Bulldogges for adoption and in need. Some of these dogs were either abandoned, neglected or surrendered by their owners. In some cases we have retired breeding adults for adoption (I refuse to sell my adults and I like them retired and adopted into nice pet homes instead of passed around from breeder to breeder). Olde English Bulldogge Adoption fees include spay/neuter, full vaccines and micro-chip. Potential adopters are required to place the adopted Old English Bulldogs on NuVet supplements to help ensure better health and longer life. If individuals are interested in more information about the process of adopting on of the dogs we have ready we ask that you please contact us through our site below. Please check out our rescue site for info on adopting, relinquishing or fostering an Old English Bulldog in need. We use this page to host images of our available Olde English Bulldogges but all the info can be found on our adoption site. We look forward to visiting with you soon, contact us today.

Our Old English Bulldog Rescue Site

Old English Bulldog Puppies by One of a Kind Bulldogges, the world’s premier Olde Bulldog breeder. We have quality Olde English Bulldog puppies for sale with outstanding customer service. We are world renowned Olde English Bulldogge breeders with top quality puppies for sale and we put them on out site for individuals to see from their birth to their placement in new homes. One of a Kind Bulldogges has taken action and started One Of A Kind Rescue, a rescue dedicated to helping Olde English Bulldogges in need around California. We are working hard at this rescue because it is passion that we have for this breed. The breed is an outstanding example of the original breed, the Olde Bulldog. Our breeding program is rooted in California and we have been breeders as well as owners of the Olde Bulldogge since 2005. We researched and researched as well as interviewed other dog owners who breed to determine what dog breed was the right dog breed for us to dedicate our lives to for our dog breeding program. Dedication is just one of the things we had for the breed after learning more about the breed itself and the story of its origin. We started educating our selves on the things we needed to know as a dog breed as well as the things that we needed to know as an owner of an Olde English Bulldogge. From that point we were hooked on this breed and more that proud to be owners. The time we dedicate to this breed is a lot and we work with them non-stop with care and daily activities. The program we have is intensive because we are want these dogs and there puppies to have the right temperament and social exposure that is needed for them to thrive as a healthy happy Olde English Bulldog. If you have questions about the puppies or the dogs at One Of A Kind Bulldogs it is easy to reach us you can call us at 760-580-2293 or you can check out our main site for information. We list our breeding dogs, our available puppies for sale, and more information about us on the site too. If you want to know more about us check out the site, if you want to know more about the breed Olde English Bulldogs. We recommend you research the breed and the things this breed will require and we are more than happy to help you with that information. Contact us and we will answer your questions before you purchase one of our puppies.



Quality Olde English Bulldogge puppies and Victorian Bulldogge Puppies for sale by 1 of a Kind Bulldogs, The World’s Premier Olde English Bulldogge Breeder specializing in re-homing Bulldog pups in California (San Diego County, Temecula, Riverside, San Bernadino, Orange County, Costa Mesa, Irvine and Los Angeles area) and world-wide. We have superb Old English Bulldog and Victorian Bulldog puppies with outstanding health guarantees and customer service 2nd to none. We specialize in Old English Bulldogges of all sizes and colors from standard fawns, brindles, whites, blacks and rare chocolate, Lilac, tri and blue bulldogs of all varieties. Our Olde English Bulldogge puppies are happy, healthy and socialized. We will vaccinate all of our pups before they leave and offer full vaccines to local customers (minus rabies.) All Old English Bulldog puppies for sale are sold as pets with limited registration unless previous arrangement has been made for a Olde English Bulldogge for breeding purposes. We do offer full breeding guarantees on breeding Olde English Bulldogs, which isn’t common of Olde English Bulldogge breeders. All puppies are produced from our own breeding stock, we do not purchase Olde English Bulldogge stud services from outside programs. If you are looking for a healthy, happy and socialized Olde English Bulldogge puppy, you found the right breeder. Located in beautiful Coastal North County San Diego, small drive from Temecula, San Clemente, Orange County and Riverside County. Affordable shipping within the U.S. and world-wide shipping available. We are experienced in shipping and have many happy and healthy Old English Bulldogs around the world. We welcome ALL clients to our property so they can see first hand the hard work we put in here along with the care and dedication our dogs recieve. When looking for a bulldogge, research your Old English Bulldog Breeders and make sure you found a quality breeder with ethics and a purpose. We pride ourselves here at One of a Kind for our high standards, ethics, morals and excellent business practices. We are permitted and tax paying business unlike many of the breeders you see. Call or email if you have any questions about our Old English Bulldog puppies or to schedule a viewing of our Bulldogge puppies.

Check our Olde English Bulldogge Testimonials!Image

Old English Bulldog and Olde Victorian Bulldogge shipping is available nearly anywhere in the world. Some countries do have certain restrictions and regulations. One of a Kind Olde English Bulldogge Puppies have been or can be shipped to the following states within 2-4 business days: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, as well as our home state California and all other states as well as world-wide. (Quarantine restriction can be met on site for pups being shipped to Hawaii for a flat for a reasonable rate)

See some of our bulldog puppies in action.

Click here to be routed directly to our video section.